Events / Exhibitions

21.07.2023 - 31.07.2023

Donators and Donations. Suren Safaryan

 The solemn ceremony of cancellation of the postcard issued by “HayPost” on the occasion of People's Artist of Armenia Suren Safaryan’s 100th birth anniversary took place in Armenian Ancient and Medieval Art halls of the National Gallery of Armenia. The ceremony was followed by the opening of the exhibition “Donators and Donations. Suren Safaryan”.

Artworks "Sayat-Nova" (1963) and "Self-Portrait" (1981) by Suren Safaryan are depicted on the postcard.

The exhibition presents paintings and graphic works on historical and patriotic themes donated by the artist's successors, which certainly enrich the collection of his works in the Gallery. Particularly, “The Liberators” (1960) large-scale canvas is among those paintings of Safaryan, which has left a permanent mark on the history of Armenian painting. The artist’s works on Zangezur theme selected from the storages of the National Gallery make the exposition complete. Rocky landscapes, portraits of Armenian women depicted in national costumes and ethnographic elements emphasizing their temperament highlight the historical past of the Armenian people.

Exhibition curator: Margarita Khachatryan



paper, oil
16,8x30,6 cm