Events / Exhibitions

01.06.2024 - 01.09.2024

Fragments of Italian art in Armenia

 The National Gallery of Armenia and the Embassy of Italy to Armenia present the exhibition “Fragments of Italian Art in Armenia” dedicated to the proclamation of the Italian Republic, a remarkable event in the country’s history.

This extensive exhibition featuring various epochs and dominating tendencies, artistic trends and diverse layers of Italian culture in Armenia for the first time continues the series of projects unveiling Italian rich heritage and history, art and culture in our Museum and symbolizes the centuries-old friendship and profound ties of the two ancient civilizations. The first works of Italian art entered the Museum as far back as the 1920s, later, the collection was actively and consistently replenished through donations and acquisitions.

About 100 paintings, graphic artworks and engravings, sculpture works and pieces of decorative-applied art, dating back to the 14th–20th cc. and making a significant part of the Gallery’s foreign art collection, present 600 years of Italian art development and display the true masterpieces of our museum collection.

The collection, which embraces separate artworks of the renowned masters of Florentine, Venetian, Genoese, Ferrarese, Veronese, Roman and other schools, marked by confrontation-contrast of solutions and iconographic traditions proposed in various times, is of invaluable historical and artistic value with the whole variety of different art tendencies, aesthetic issues, creative methods and stylistic-morphological solutions․

We would like to highlight that the catalogue, featuring the National Gallery’s Italian art collection of around six-century-old history, encompasses the works displayed within the exhibition, a part of which is exhibited and published for the first time.

Exhibition curators: Marina Hakobyan, Marina Yeghiazaryan


Self-portrait (1954)

canvas, oil
52x40,5 cm